
Our birds come from continents across the globe.

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learn about birds

Birds have their own special way of surviving with the help of their light weight bones and feathers that protect them from the weather elements. A birds bones are very strong that keep them from breaking when they fly. Their bones are hollow that have tiny air sacs that make them lighter and help them float in water. Birds that can't fly have solid bones. A birds feathers also provide a waterproof layer and acts as an insulator to keep them warm.

A bird's eyes aren't able to move very much which is why you seen them moving their head a lot. Their eyes are able to see a greater range of the color spectrum compared to a humans eyes. They can also focus on two different objects out of each eye. This is because each eye has two foveae, this is the part of the retina which sees most clearly.

Each species of bird has a bill that is uniquely tailored for its own eating requirements. Birds don't have teeth.

Blue Parakeet
Blue Parakeet
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Vulturine Guinea Fowl
Vulturine Guinea Fowl
Admin Stork
Admin Stork